Artwork is never easy and not all machines are the same. It’s important to make sure that the print ready files you are supplying meet the requirements for the machines that we print on. Below are documents relating to our graphic design specifications and some templates to assist you in creating your own diary artwork.

If the design side of things seems a bit daunting or you are wanting some assistance we can supply artwork and design services for you. We can even provide a “Stock Hunting” service to locate the ideal cover material and finishes or paper stock for your diary. If you are interested in our design or stock hunting services then please do not hesitate to contact us to find out more.

We don’t bite and often find a quick call to discuss, confirm or clarify can save a lot of time for everyone involved. So if you have any questions about the Artwork Specification files or templates provided please give us a call.

Specification Files


A5 Diary Templates

InDesign Files

B5 Diary Templates

InDesign Files

B5 Diary Templates

A4 Diary Templates

InDesign Files

Other Templates

Date Entries – Excel File